Aerospace & Aviation

Companies in this industry manufacture aircraft, satellites, and related avionic systems. Aerospace/Aviation component manufacturing requires high-precision, high reliability and high-technology, where the performance of a part is often more important than its price.

Manufacturing Aerospace/Aviation parts is highly precise and computerized. Advances in airplane design require increasingly high-performance precision parts, which places demand on manufacturers to update or buy new automation equipment for production.


马克森motors for aerospace

马克森motor DC motors drive the Mars rovers and have been operating on Mars for more than ten years. For helicopters, passenger planes, or spacecraft, we offer customized precision and a vast support network that guarantees high standards.


像苏格兰公司Clyde Space开发的纳米卫星一样,依靠Maxon Motor的Aerospace无刷直流电动机。纳米卫星(也称为Cubesats)是主要用于太空研究的微型卫星。在10 x 10 x 10厘米的重量和小于1千克的重量时,这些具有成本效益的微型卫星在太空研究中具有许多应用。

飞机空调系统的Maxon Motors

When in flight, the air becomes thin, particularly at altitudes of 11 km above sea level. This is where modern pressure cabins and environmental control systems (ECS) come into play; they create and maintain a comfortable atmosphere in commercial aircraft. When Boeing was designing their 787 Dreamliner, they utilized a special air-conditioning system to improve passenger comfort for long distance flights. This air conditioning system used brushless maxon DC motors, spur gearheads, and resolver combinations to ensure a comfortable climate at high altitudes.

使用Tolomation IMA线性伺服执行器的运动模拟

运动模拟器制造商希望用电动执行器代替现有的液压系统,以模拟振动(30-50 Hz的频率)和在航空航天和国防应用中现实世界中遇到的其他干扰。尽管液压药可以实现侵略性的高频移动,但液压系统趋于泄漏,需要定期维护,并且在训练环境中可能太大了。此外,制造商需要使用电动执行器解决方案,而无需使用外部冷却系统(例如水或油)来清除执行器的热量。

Actuators for Aviation – Aircraft Mechanical Actuators

Actuators are used for a range of applications within the aviation industry, such as controlling and limiting velocity and engine speed by adjusting levers and flaps. Actuators are devices that convert electrical signals to mechanical movement or other physical variables such as pressure and temperature. Actuators play an active role in the control systems of aircrafts. Electromate supplies maxon motors like those used in aircrafts and the aviation industry along with aircraft mechanical actuators.

EC45空气垫系统的扁平电动机 - Maxon EC45飞机的扁平电动机

马克森motors are a central component of each air cushion system. Each aircraft seat is integrated with a maxon motor – a brushless maxon EC45 flat motor – that drives the vane pump of the air cushion. By varying how much air fills the air chambers, passengers can easily switch between firm and soft settings. Electromate supplies EC45 flat motors from maxon motors like those used for air cushion systems in aircraft.

火星漫游者的Maxon Motors - 太空探索的Maxon Motors

Research on Mars has advanced tremendously in the last 20+ years. Precision drives by maxon motors have made an important contribution in these advancements. In four missions by the US space authority NASA, products of the Swiss company have reached the surface of Mars. Data collected during these projects, in part thanks to maxon motors for Mars rovers, bring us closer to the goal of a manned mission to Mars. Additionally, the data gathered from these missions has allowed maxon motors to further improve their products here on Earth.
